Sunday, November 1, 2009

Disneyland baby

October break was fun. We went to Disneyland with Scott's family. So fun.... except for M getting sick the first day while we were driving the 6 hours there. Threw up twice. Didn't miss the bag thank goodness. Then a fever the rest of the week. Poor Boy. E got it Wednesday. No sick just the fever and yuckyness. Then after we got home D got it then me and Scott had it at some point but we can't pinpoint the days exactly.

The last time that we went to Disneyland D was only 6 months old so he didn't have much fun. This time we were all about fun for the monsters. They loved it! D had a blast. E always has fun there. M had fun despite being yucky the whole time. Thank goodness for childrens' Motrin.

Being there for a full 4 days was so fun. We weren't pressed to do or see anything so we could totally take our time. That was great since M was yucky and couldn't be pressed to be runnin around.

The last day I begged to go to the beach. We did and the kids loved it I have the pics to prove it. I have never been able to go to California and not hit the beach if even just to walk and beach comb. D wasn't actually old enough to play on the beach without eating the sand so this was his first time getting to run around and get wet and crazy. M was so sad that he didn't have his trunks to get totally wet. We were on the way out so we really couldn't let them go too nuts.

Thanks again Mom and Dad Sokol we had a blast!

It's Halloween Hoooowwwwwww

Halloween was fun. Scott dressed up and had me take a picture of his costume for a work competition. He was well received around the neighborhood. Everyone who saw him laughed and asked how he did it.... um black clothes, glow bracelets, and tape. Super easy.



Miss E was Elphaba (the wicked witch who was really misunderstood from Wicked)
Mr M was Two Face one of Batman's villans.
and last but not least Mr D was 'Tiny' Batman. He said that he wasn't big enough to be Batman so he was Tiny Batman. So funny. I just loved carrying his bucket...not. hee hee





Sunday, September 27, 2009

peaches and mud pies

I am such a goober. I haven't posted because I just haven't. I had pics I had some time I just didn't want to sit and do it. I am sorry can you forgive me? Um ya you the one follower I have. Haa haa haa.

Lots going on lately. Kids started school. We hung out with friends at their family cabin... why doesn't anyone in our family have a cool cabin? And I made bunches of jam. Utah Peach jam to be exact. YUM.

Getting ready to go to a friends house one night while I was thinking about the following Monday contimplating how long it would take me to 'jam' by myself with 32 lbs of peaches. Did I mention that they were Utah peaches. They smelled wondermus.
Scott looked at the box and asked if I would make a peach pie for that evening. I believe my reply was "um no but you can."
With a puzzled look on his face... "I don't know how to make a home made peach pie."
"No but you learned how to make crepes using a recipe so I know that you can do this."
"Yes babe. I am already making a chocolate puddle torte." (wayyyy too rich btw)
"Ok what do I do?"
"Get out the trusty orange 70s Betty Crocker cook book and check out peach pie. Make a list of what you need that we don't have and I'll help when you need it."
" Um. . . " slight hesitation "alright. Let's do this."
I must say that he did awesome! I showed him how to cut the shortening in correctly and helped him roll it out and that is pretty much it. He was too cute. Any pictures that look staged were staged and were not my idea. He thought that he would be funny with flour on his face. I laughed so hard I had to sit down.




We received a pounding of rain. As usual our sand under the swing set became an irresistible mud puddle. The same day that daddy was hard working on the shopping for peach pie ingredients the kids begged to play outside. Daddy was wary but mom is fun when it comes to this kinda stuff. I think that every kid should get to jump in mud puddles and make mud casltes and pretend mud pies. Well these kiddos surly did all of those things that day. D was hesitant to get into the mud too much E was at home painting all of the swing set and slides with mud and M loved jumping in it and swinging through it. All in all when the kids were done they got naked and were carried one by one to a bathroom to shower or bathe. Kinda hard since E is getting big and daddy had to close his eyes while I tried to run her muddy dripping body to our shower, laughing so hard the whole way. They had sand under their toenails that was not fun for them while I cleaned it out.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy 8th Girly!!!

Today E turns 8.
I can't believe that she is 8. I remember the day before I had her. She was due on Fathers Day and I had been having contractions since Friday off and on. She was my first so those contractions can go for a while. Went to the hospital Sunday evening they sent me home. Not any progress. The nurse actually told me that since I was walking and talking fine I couldn't be in labor plus it was my due date and Fathers Day so I had those things counting against me. Later and still home with contractions starting and stoping lots of pain (I now know that it was all BACK LABOR!!! if you are unfamiliar baby comes out looking down and then turns to the side Not this little princess... she wanted to come out looking at the world so her spine and my spine became friends they are no longer on speaking terms btw) So after 4 hours of pushing our stubborn little girl and some help from foreceps (finally) E. C. S. our suprise baby girl was born on Monday June 18th 2001 8lbs 3oz with brown fuzzy hair. She has been so much fun these past 8 years. Looking at these pictures I can remember what was happening and can still hear her asking a billion questions. She has always been even tempered and well mannered. Always looking to make friends and make sure that others fit in and aren't forgotten. She began playing the violin at 5 and has said since she was 6 1/2 that she hates it and when can she quit. Um never. She is better than she realizes. Loves her daddy and family. She loves telling insane knock knock jokes. Can climb a rock wall better than I could at her age. Loves to read weird stuff... bird books, history books, atlas', encyclopedias. Remembers anything and everything and has since she was little. Thought for the longest time that sheep were woolly and wet. We realized that when she was 2 we went to San Diego Zoo and the sheep in the petting zoo had had baths and were still wet. She used to suck her thumb and hold a My Little Pony's tail hair in her hand. All of her ponies went bald because of this. She loves to paint and draw and make up stories. I love her for all of these things and so many more.

She is kind, warm, sweet, beautiful, ambitious, thoughtful, strong, smart, wonderful, spiritual, and mine.

This is more for me than anything but here goes. I put together some fun photos from when you were little to now. Hope they don't make anyone's computer too unhappy.



1 year
This is her 1 year pic... look at how short her hair still was! Just some curls in the back and enough to clip the top. No hair cuts yet. I didn't have time to scan more pics of year 1 in, sorry monkey. Before our first digital camera.

2 years
Her second birthday. More hair thank goodness. I loved this dress.

Her birthday D-backs game! 2years.

She can't read but that didn't stop her from studying each and every page. She is our only child who never tore a book.

loved the pool even then
little painter this is the only mess you made. wish I could say the same for your brothers.... messy painters.



love this picture. you were hot so I put your hair up last minute then while waiting for the parade grandma and pop bought you an ice cream. you shared so sweetly! people kept stopping since you were both so cute.

Higher daddy. . . dumbos ride

For a full 4 months you ate this gross sandwich mayo and a slice of cheese. You loved it and I thought that you were silly for not wanting to change it at all. I tried to add ham or something and you would get mad. Yuckie.

First day of first grade

trouble 07
you made a mud hole in the back yard then painted yourself in it. not too sweet here are ya?

first day of second grade

halloween you wanted to be half pretty bride half dead ugly bride. you got it girly.

first birthday party at skateland for a friend... also first time rollerskating! you did great!

I took you along on a senior photo shoot you insisted on getting your picture taken too. you weren't a ton of help carrying stuff. and you talked our ears off but I did enjoy having you there babe.

I needed a pic of you with a white back ground for our alphabet book. I loved your eyes in this.

you wanted one with just your eyes looking sneaky. :)

You swim wonderfully. learning the strokes and trying your hardest not to get tired while swimming across the whole length of the pool is making you stronger and more confident. You are truly comfortable in the water.
I took this the other day at GG paul's house. I love your eyes.

This summer you have asked to learn how to sew. I am so excited to teach you how. You have requested learning to make a pillowcase and some other fun items. We will probably start with the pillowcase. We will post our progress as we go.

Just in case you didn't know in my world 8 is a very big deal. If you didn't know I am LDS a Latter-Day Saint or Mormon gal. I have been since I was born and can't imagine it any other way. When you turn 8 you are able to be baptized as the savior was. E wants so badly to be baptized and will have the opportunity to do so surrounded by family and friends very soon. We are so proud of her choice to follow the Savior in this way.

Love you Sweetie!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Late Birthday Babe!

So Scottie had a birthday this month and I am just now getting around to posting photos. So he and his brother have come up with this thing where they exchange weird gifts on birthdays and Christmas or they find weird ways to wrap of give the gift. On year Scott gave Jeff a stapler in a mold of jello. They were both watching the Office. Then last year for Christmas Scott decided to make Jeff stilts. Yup real working stilts. Well the things are so long... cuz Jeff may need to use them in a parade or something someday so he needed them tall. Ya right. Scott was so proud of himself. He went to This Old House online and actually printed out plans. So funny. So we showed up Christmas morning with the honkin things in like 4 boxes taped end to end tall and Jeff just kept chuckling to himself. His eyes went large when he saw the crazy box. Well Scott got to unwrap many gifts that lead him to the final gift... a 5 gallon bucket of frozen solid water with something in the middle. A tin with a note for his real gift. This birthday Jeff wrapped individual money increments up and made Scott choose only 4... then he gave him the rest. It was so he could buy topo maps for his new outdoor hiking Garmin.
And he wonders why I don't have more pics around the house of him. Honey it is because when you see my camera you do this!!!

He was sooo happy.

He had fun I think... I like to make weird cakes so this is what I came up with for him. He loves spaghetti and well this is as close to sweet spaghetti that I could come. It was fun to make.





Derrick wanted to help blow out the candles. Wasn't too successful with it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Love!!!

Happy Easter everyone. Photobucket
So again it has been forever since I posted and there is only one reason... ready for it? I was LAZY. Seriously I was. I was so excited to go on our anniversary trip that nothing else really mattered. So sad huh. We had a wonderful time by the way. Scott and I went alone!!! to San Diego. My only rule was that I had to visit the beach and find shells unbothered by runnynoses or arguing little monsters all the while being able to leazurly photograph what ever I wanted. It happened! Scott was more than happy to take a tour of the Padre's home Petco Park. It was really fun to see all the inside stuff! It is a beautiful stadium. But in San Diego not much isn't beautiful.... or pricey.

This picture was taken out in our front yard. Now I love using enhancing filters to make colors pop. This photo has none of that. This is honest to goodness straight out of the camera. Scott ran inside one evening when he was leaving for scouts and said to bring 'your camera this sunset is amazing!' This is what I ended up with.

I have many photos from the trip and the past weeks to post but that will have to happen later. My computer just isn't very happy... I have way too many photos, digital scrapbook items and just stuff I love on the hard drive and there is seriously no memory or ram left to run more than one program at a time. Hee hee. I tried to defrag and it seriously cried! It told me there wasn't enough room to run the defrag program. So sad. I love my computer it has been faithful but I know that it will not be much longer alive for me. Oh well the kids are about to get a better computer via mommy-me-downs. :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring is HERE!!!

Yay the boys of summer are back in the park. Spring training has begun. Wahooo.

Bob Melvin manager.

So I feel that I have to say how much we wanted to see Orlando Hudson resigned with the Dbacks but when that didn't happen . . . HE WENT TO THE BLUE SIDE AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH nnnnoooooooo the Dodgers signed him. Our house does NOT like the dodgers at all. They tend to have very rude fans... can't stand going to a game against them. Win or lose they are just annoying when they all get together. (kinda like Giants and Yankees and Braves fans) Ok off of that rant.

I seriously can not remember who's sig this is. Scott may.

So we are very much a Diamond Backs Baseball family. Unless you talk to Emma then you would find out that she is not part of that. Any who Monday, Feb 16th we had a free day, no school or work for Scott so we decided to make the trek down to Tuscon to see the Dback pitchers and catchers. So fun. If it was a few days later we would have seen most of the other positions players. So we walked around the parks practice fields and had some luck with finding players. They were so nice. We also happened to see a guy who had season tickets behind our seats last year... that was kinda weird. So we got autographs from Miguel Montero, catcher; Eric Byrnes, outfielder we got to watch him in batting practice; and Scott's favorite Kirk Gibson, the 'natural' and our bench coach. (Scott was pretty excited to get Kirk's autograph). It really was fun. Scott was even in some photos for the Tuscon paper and his infamous purple pen seen in our photos was in AZ Central and Republic sites with Scott's hand.

Since we were down in Tucson we thought that we would visit a historic site a State park Picacho Peak and take a hike with the kids. It is so pretty when the flowers are blooming. We had just received rain so the flowers were growing but not really blooming yet. The mountains were very green though.
The kids wanted to climb up the rocks at the top of Childrens cave trail.
M was trying so hard to get daddy to sit down in the cave I think that his exact words were
'Dad you are supposed to sit down like this. That is what you do here.' Scott let him know that he didn't need to sit down.
D loved the fact that he could climb so much. Mommy didn't like that he loved standing so close to the edge of the mountain. He really liked the nacho cheese Doritos though.
All in all it was a great day. We got to see some pitchers and catchers and players then got to see some history. So fun!